Is Treatment of a Nail Infection with a Dermatologist Worth the Cost? 

Nail infections can be a painful and difficult condition to treat. The nail bed will swell, turn red, and become tender. Nail fungus is the most common nail infection in adults. Although nail infections can be treated at home with topical medications or over-the-counter pills, it may be worth considering treatment by a dermatologist for more severe cases of nail infection. In this article, we will explore different treatments for nail infections that you might want to try before visiting your dermatologist in Indore. 

"Nail infections are not just a cosmetic problem, they can be painful. The nail may become red, swollen, and infected with pus. This is usually caused by ingrown toenails or fungus."  


"The best way to treat this type of infection is to see your dermatologist. They will do a physical exam and recommend treatment based on the severity of the infection." "If you have decided that you would like to take care of the problem at home before seeing your doctor, there are some steps you can take as well." 

There are several nail infection treatment in Indore that can be performed. The nail bed will swell, turn red, and become tender when the body is fighting off a nail infection. It is best to keep nails dry after soaking in water or washing hands. Avoid wearing tight-fitting shoes or socks made of synthetic materials for prolonged periods of time because this could increase sweating which may lead to further irritation. Medications such as Penlac (ciclopirox), Nail Tek (acetate), ZetaClear(Lamisil/terbinafine), Sporanox (itraconazole), and Jublia (efinaconazole)) might be effective alternatives over medication by dermatologist . 

Nail infections are usually caused by nail fungus, which is a common condition that affects about 20% of the general population. Nails affected by nail fungus can become thicker and discolored with time. Fungal nail infections may also cause pain in your fingertips or toes when pressure is applied to them. There are many different types of nail fungal infections including distal lateral subungual onychomycosis (DLSO). DLSO occurs when fungi infecting other parts of your skin invade into your nails causing an obstruction within the nail bed that makes it difficult for light to pass through making the infected nails appear white at their ends due to what’s called “lateral staining”. Treatment for nail fungus and DLSO is typically performed by a dermatologist who specializes in nail conditions.  Treatment often begins with nail debridement where your dermatologist scrapes away the top layers of the nail and then prescribes a topical treatment that you apply to the skin around or under the nail. It is not uncommon for patients to need repeated treatments over several months in order to achieve optimal results. 


Dermatologists are medical doctors that specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions. Many people feel like they can diagnose a foot or nail infection themselves, but it’s important to remember that dermatologist in Indore have clinical training and experience treating these types of infections. The best way to avoid infection is by keeping your hands and feet clean. However, if you do get infected with a nail fungus, it’s worth visiting the dermatologist for treatment.